Watch Your iPod On Your TV

With this year’s MacWorld still fresh on my mind, I remember the most unique and coolest docking station there . . . Digitlal Lifestyle Outiftters’ (DLO) second generation HomeDock Deluxe. It lets you scroll through and watch your iPod from your television. Especially if you have a good speaker system hooked up to your TV, this takes your iPod to a whole new level.
HomeDock Deluxe the world’s first iPod dock that lets you watch and select your iPod menus from your TV screen. It will change the way you experience your iPod and music. It’s an all-in-one digital entertainment solution that links any dockable click-wheel iPod to your TV or stereo system. It’s more than a regular dock as it brings your iPod’s music, movies, television shows and pictures to big-screen life.
The HomeDock is ready to go right out of the box with no wireless or other home network devices required. As you’re sitting there lounging on the couch you can enjoy your entire iPod library using the included 18-button full-feature remote control. Its interface keeps in-sync with your iPod’s cool, clean style, showing off new themes and screensavers to fit your taste. It will display the current song playing and the progress at the top of the screen, while letting you select another song from the listings below. The song names and titles are very visible from anywhere in the room.
In addition to the themes and screen savers, second generation upgrades includes multi-language support, an auxiliary port for plugging in a ‘visitng’ mp3 player, the My Jukebox feature that lets you select songs to build a party playlist on-the-fly, providing you the clearest viewing of your content, and most notably the on-screen album art. For you digital snobs, a key important addition is the S-video cable, which gives you the clearest viewing of your video content.
There are two distinct modes you use with the HomeDock. The On-Screen Navigation Mode is used for music interface on your TV, and the iPod Mode will play your videos or photo slideshows directly from your iPod. Switching modes is as simple as a single push of a button. My favorite is of course the iPod Mode because that’s how I can utilize it to the fullest.
For testing purposes I watched one of my episodes of Battlestar Galactica off my iPod Video, and it looked great. I was satisfied with the quality of it playing on my TV because it looked almost exactly like I was watching a regular show or movie. This is definitely a must-have if you have lots of video content on your iPod. It’s perfect if you have the iPod Video, but may not be so worth it if your iPod is not video capable.
DLO’s second generation HomeDock Deluxe will be available later this month for $149.99, and as with the original HomeDock Deluxe, you can buy it at any iPod retailer, such as your closest Apple Store (, but for now you can pre-order it at
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