Friday, August 03, 2007

Back-To-School Discounts

Summer is quickly coming to an end. Most schools have gone back in to session, and that means congested roads and spending money on school supplies - not only pencils, pens and paper, but computers and software too. These days computers are a vital part of your keiki’s education. Some of you may not know it, but you can often receive discounts that will save you some money.

I’ve seen some people try to redeem an education discount just because they’re college-age-looking, but failed because they did not have a student ID. Usually age does not matter, but keep in mind that you need to provide proof of eligibility - your student ID card or possibly your enrollment papers and report card.

If you’re a college student, you should start at the campus bookstore. I do know for a fact that the UH Bookstore offers fairly decent discounts on computers.

Otherwise, here are a few companies that will offer you an academic discount:

* Apple ( Special for college students - buy a Mac before Sept. 16 and receive a free iPod nano via mail-in rebate.

* Dell (

* Sony (

* HP (

* Adobe (

* Microsoft (

* Various Discounts - Campus Tech (

All the companies mentioned above have multiple options whether you’re a student, faculty member or a part of a school’s administration staff. The discounts vary greatly depending on what you’re buying.


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