Friday, August 05, 2005

Recycle With Hawaii Computers For Kids Program

I’m one to constantly upgrade to the latest and greatest in tech toys and I usually let my old stuff just sit there (depending on how old it is) to collect dust, or I sell it, but my frugality and pack rat tendencies will never let me throw things away. . . it must be the Chinese blood. So, if you’re like me, and don’t want your things to go to waste, there’s a worthy cause out there to take care of your old stuff.

The Hawaii Computers For Kids Program takes used computers, peripherals, software, printers, office furniture and more, and distributes them to grade schools, high schools and non-profit organizations statewide. The program is a major project of the Rotary Club of Metropolitan Honolulu and was created in 1992 by Ken Goldstein, a 14-year member.

The program will accept anything from Pentium III or higher, Macintosh G3 or higher, and working monitors and printers. Perfectly good computers, monitors, printers and other equipment are dumped into Hawaii’s landfills each day due to lack of convenient alternatives. If you donate to this cause, you will help students get valuable experience in repairing and upgrading computers. In addition, all donations are tax deductible, and you can feel good about not letting your old technology equipment go to waste.

Goldstein currently recycles about 3,000 computers a year into schools and the number continually grows as awareness of this program expands. About 75% of the equipment donated is in usable condition, however the remainder items are used for computer repair classes or after school training programs. On the receiving end, it’s a first-come, first-served basis. Any teacher or member from a non-profit organization can take what they need and however much they need.

The dilemma the Hawaii Computers For Kids Program is now facing is that there is no space to store all the donations received. The program requires a spacious area, and the necessity for accessibility for pick-ups. If anyone out there can help this worthy program find a storage space home, or for more information, contact Goldstein at 521-2259 or via e-mail at Stay tuned for the next donation event, Make A Difference Day, which is slated for sometime in October (usually held in the parking lot of the CompUSA in town).


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