Friday, March 03, 2006

Surfing, Snowboarding And Skateboarding At Your Heels

Living in our island climate and environment, most of us probably enjoy surfing and skateboarding. It’s mostly free except for the cost of the boards and minor peripheral equipment you may need to purchase. There are also those of us who use all our vacation time and blow our money on snowboarding every winter season, sometimes several times during the season . . . biggest example of that being my brother). For those of you crazy enough to go snowboarding every year, you may not always have the money to make the trek across the ocean, so you’re stuck at home. What to do, what to do?

If you don’t mind stationary snowboarding (or surfing/skating), the new iJoy Board, made by Interhealth, could be an alternative for you, rain or shine. It is a motorized “balance trainer” and it is designed to give you the alternative to boarding fun, no matter if you’re a surfer, skater or a snowboarder. It is definitely more creative than any piece of fitness equipment you’ll find out there, and it will help to keep your legs toned, strong and ready to take on the slopes, catch a wave or grind a rail even if you can’t do the real thing. Even you’re not a boarder of any sort, and you just want some good exercise, the iJoy Board will give you a good workout.

The board has three speeds (slow, medium and fast) that you can test your skills at. It comes with a battery-operated IR remote control to make it easier for you to utilize, but there is also automatic shutoff after 15 minutes of activity. It also gives you the option of using the pre-programmed routine that gives you 15 minutes of challenging action at an unpredictable mix of speeds.

The iJoy Board has a non-slip platform so you can maintain a solid board stance while increasing your core balance and coordination skills. It is also fairly portable, weighing in at around 50 pounds, so you can set it right up in front of the television and tuck it back under the bed when you’re finished. I realize that this motorized board is not the same thing as experiencing a big wave, fresh powdery slopes or a jump in the half-pipe, but its simulations are close and should keep you somewhat satisfied till you can make it out there. If anything, your boarding muscles will stay sculpted and toned, and you’ll be in shape and ready for the real thing.

Excellent for all ages, explore an iJoy Board for yourself for $399.95 at or Sharper Image (or the online store at Admittedly it’s a bit pricey, but think of the fun it will be, not to mention the saved money on a plane ticket to the slopes.


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